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Домой Игры Aviator
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Manage your very own aviation company and start flying passengers and cargos around the country.

Buy new planes or upgrade your current ones to cope up with longer distances and more cargo.

Create new routes and expand your services around the world as you purchase flight certificates. Aviator Обзор

Video - Страна виртуальных миров!

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среда, декабря 2, 2015

Новая Игра Добавлена: Aviator

Aviator Passenger Terminal Cargo Bay Area in Aviator Aviator - Filling Cargo with Supplies Manage your very own aviation company and start flying passengers and cargos around the country.

Buy new planes or upgrade your current ones to cope up with longer distances and more cargo.

Create new routes and expand your services around the world as you purchase flight certificates.
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