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Join the Ravenwood Academy and enter a magical world full of possibility.
Enjoy fun mini games and create and look after your own wonderful pets.
Decorate your own house and create your perfect home.
Players will need to “move it, move it” in order to discover a great secret that, if left undiscovered, could unravel everythingLeggi di Piùmartedì, settembre 13, 2016
If you are looking for adventure, magic and new friends to share them with then look no further than this stunning game. Leggi di Piùlunedì, dicembre 8, 2014
Wizard 101 provides you with a huge world to explore full of fun mounts and pets, but you can also find some cool looking threads to wear too. Leggi di Piùdomenica, novembre 30, 2014
Wizard 101 is a brilliant fantasy themed world where you can explore Wizard City and find some cute pets and mounts, including this gorgeous Dragon. Leggi di Piùmartedì, ottobre 21, 2014
There are lots of different fun places to explore in Wizard 101, and one of the most fun is Marleybone. Become a fun dog, cat or rat character and see the sights. Leggi di Piùdomenica, ottobre 12, 2014