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IMVU Creations

Valuta questo Articolo In IMVU you can create your own items and browse a store with one of the biggest online catalogs, and its right at your fingertips. Giochi di Mondi Virtuali! - IMVU Creations

One of the main things that determine the greatness of a virtual world game is its marketplace. Every top tier virtual world game has a solid marketplace where you can buy pretty much every single thing that comes to mind. In this article we’ll be going into more detail regarding the market place of IMVU and how it manages to set itself apart from the crowd.

Perhaps one of the greatest things about this game’s marketplace is the fact that it isn’t restricted to the game’s client. If you feel like shopping and don’t want to go through the hassle of logging into the game itself then there’s need to worry as you can simply go to the shop website, input your credentials to logon and go shopping until you have everything you wanted. It’s a highly convenient feature that’s been appreciated by the players quite a lot.

Going into the shop itself, it’s pretty much packed with stuff. The first thing you need to know about it is that it’s arranged quite nicely. You can browse by categories or simply search whatever item you’re looking for. There are many different categories such as clothing, furniture, stickers and much more.

Each category also has various different subcategories for example the furniture section is further divided into couches, tables, chairs and much more. This highly organized style of the shop allows players to buy whatever they need to as conveniently as possible since they won’t have to look around the entire shop to find what they’re looking for which ultimately saves quite a lot of time.

The most noteworthy thing about the IMVU marketplace is the fact that you aren’t just limited to shopping. If you’re a creative person who’d like to make and sell your own goods such as cool looking shirts and other clothing accessories then the game gives you all the resources you need to do so.

This is pretty great as it helps the game’s economy flow smoothly and also gives some players an extra source of income that they can utilize to then enjoy the other features that it has to offer which is quite nice. You aren’t limited to making just clothing accessories though since if you’re creative and have a knack for this kind of work, you can make and sell all kinds of stuff such as furniture, shoes and more. The game also gives you full rights to the stuff you create which means that no one will be able to copy your work and sell it off as their own which is really nice.

If you have a lot of friends and feel like giving away presents, the game also has a solid gifting feature in which you simply select an item and give it to your friend as long as you know their in-game name. This is a great feature that promotes more social play which is nice.

Overall, IMVU has everything ranging from a solid marketplace to a top notch creation platform for those who would like to sell their own products. Alongside this it’s a pretty solid game all around so we recommend trying it out.

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