Rabu, Oktober 9, 2013
फसल उगाना शुरू करो और घोड़ो व अन्य जानवरो के पालो पोसो। बोनस व कई पैसा कमाने वाली प्रतियोगिताए जीतो। अपना उत्तम फार्म बनाओ।
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Rabu, Oktober 9, 2013
With Virtual Families you can create the perfect house, raise a family and make sure they are all happy. Choose the partner for your little person and build them a house. Have children and raise them in a fun house. Manage their careers as well as decorating the house.
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Minggu, Oktober 6, 2013
एक अद्भुत मैच 3 गेम खेलिये फलो के साथ और अपने खेतो के उत्पाद के साथ। सोना कमाये अपने खेतो के लिये नयी चीजें खरीदने के लिये अपने फार्म पर उपलब्ध जानवरो को बोनस के रूप में इस्तेमाल करे।
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Rabu, September 11, 2013
Are you tired of the prices, hassles, and drama, then join us in our “paradise” where everyone’s dream can come true. Create your own perfect Tropical Island. Your imagination is the only limitation.
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Senin, Agustus 26, 2013
Unfortunately the developers of Monkey Quest have now closed the game. Please feel free to browse our selection of fantastic games for something new to play. Play Monkey Quest and save the world! Play fun games and play with your friends as you monkey around the fantastic world of Ook. Create your own monkey and begin your adventure. Enjoy fun games and have your own pets. Play with your friends as you explore the world of Ook.
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Minggu, Agustus 18, 2013
Little Horses is a Free Facebook Game where you can choose and name your own horse. Feed and Groom your horse in your very own stable, you can even train them in Dressage. When your horse is ready put them out to stud and breed your very own horses.
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Selasa, Juli 23, 2013
Enjoy taking care of your loved ones. Share happy moments with your family. Be creative and let the beauty shine!
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Selasa, Juli 23, 2013
पुराने दोस्तों के साथ चैट करें और नए दोस्त बनायें, जैसे जैसे आपकी जिन्दगी आगे बढ़ती है अवतारिया में फेसबुक पर। प्यार में पड़े और शादी करें या मैदान में खेलें, जिन्दगी वह है जो आप इसे बनाते है। क्लब में नाच कर रात बितायें, आधुनिकतम फैशन का सामान खरीदें और अपने घर को स्टाइल से सजायें।
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Rabu, Juli 17, 2013
Play Rising Cities and create your own metropolis! Build your city from humble beginnings to a thriving capital full of happy people. Create your city as you complete fun quests. Develop the whole region to expand your capital. Trade materials on the marketplace for coins and more.
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Rabu, Juli 17, 2013
Construct and manage your own zoo in this addictive experience filled with great fun. Expand your zoo as you progress through the game so that you can house more fun activities for visitors. Earn achievements along the way every time you do something noteworthy in the game to help keep you motivated.
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