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Domů Hry Kaneva
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Kaneva allows you to explore many different virtual worlds and build your own with great 3D graphics.

Interact with the environment, meet new people and have fun in this popular virtual world.

Express yourself and turn imagination into reality the best way possible. Kaneva Hodnocení

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Související Příspěvky Blogu

Wed, Feb 27, 2013

Předána Nová Hra: Kaneva

Explore the worlds in Kaneva Have dance parties in Kaneva Build different worlds in Kaneva Kaneva allows you to explore many different virtual worlds and build your own with great 3D graphics.

Interact with the environment, meet new people and have fun in this popular virtual world.

Express yourself and turn imagination into reality the best way possible.
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Nedávná Hodnocení Uživatelů

Apr 29, 2022 Gone but not forgotten I miss the people and the fun of the virtual game. I was Ozwald Kobblepotts or a version of that name. I recently came across old install programs to use off line to create and manage .kep world files... Celé Hodnocení Apr 2, 2020 LOOKING FOR MY KANEVA FRIENDS I miss many my friends I had on Kaneva, if I knew that was gonna happen, I would've kept better in touch like snapchat. For anyone wanna hangout with me I'm in imvu, my name on kaneva was NA... Celé Hodnocení Jul 26, 2018 Not the same It's not the same as it was.. It was never a casino game. It was a social hangout game where you could join parties and dance.. what happened to the Kaneva I used to love? :( Celé Hodnocení Oct 25, 2017 too bad it WAS a great place to exhibit any creative abilities that players had. great place to meet some wonderful people and learn many technical game functions. too bad they didnt treat members very well, ... Celé Hodnocení Jul 15, 2017 Love Kaneva Virtual World . Kaneva Virtual World. is the greatest . better then all other games. I was Pathmaker54 in that past Kaneva . I'm hoping it comes back so I can use it again.
I'll be waiting Kaneva...
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