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Setting the Trend in Virtual Worlds

Rate this Article Now that we have figured the 3 major changes that we ought to experience in virtual world games, and how it contributes to the trend found in the game, let's figure out how to set them, or at least "how to get there" in this short article. Virtual Worlds Land! - Setting the Trend in Virtual Worlds

How are we suppose to keep up with the trends, let alone set one up, in a virtual world that is literally filled with thousands upon thousands of active players which have their own ideas of what trends they want? Actually, there are a couple of ways that we'll be covering in this article, and although they are not much of a surefire way to get you to the coveted title of "Trendsetter", if you've got the talents, they should be able to help you well enough. Just like in real world, setting up a trend is fueled by the selected few. The only difference is that it is quite more achievable (percentage wise) in virtual world, with respect to the populous ratio, compared to that of the real world scenario. So, at least you get a great start with that.

First and foremost, you'll need fame. Fame is just but a requirement to get you things posted and then followed by a bunch. But to set a trend, you'll need more than a hefty few lot of followers to even get you anywhere near setting a following. And when we say a few lot - that means a hefty thousand at least lot. Having a great following is one thing, having them to follow up on your trend is another. We have stated the need for a following, because it generally is the main recipe to get started sparking up an idea and have it flourishing like a virus elsewhere in your followers' own circle.

Usually though, making up your fashion is the best way to set a trend. The great combination of apparels is probably the easiest way to convince a following - that what you are wearing is what's currently "in" at the time being to invoke the trend. Though that still pitches the relative acceptance of the crowd with this fashion sense. Not limited to this, having to start a trend means that you should portray something that is relatively original and uncommon (before the trend at least).

Doing so with the large array of content in the usual bunch of virtual games would be a problem. Games like IMVU and Second Life for instance have almost an indefinite number of plausible apparels to wear especially that they support add-on content development for third party sellers. This in return proposes a huge option of clothing to mix and match for all the players, and striking that exceptionally fashionable combination should round up to become the next big thing - especially to the popular ones playing the game.

It is a good practice too to combine some relatively non-commonly combined things to start a trend. Especially true in the world of fashion, what we may be wearing in the future may not seem to be relatively fashionable in today's trend. Thinking out of the box generally sparks that interest among others into thinking: "what on earth is that?". With this, you get a great leverage among others in setting a trend. A quick reminder though, this method wouldn't necessarily get you praises every single time. Sometimes, getting too unique gets you far lost in a distasteful sense of fashion that goes overboard from other people's perspective. So, either tone it down, or tough it up (your guts that is).

And with that, you get close to set the tones for what is to be called the next big thing. Additionally, you may prompt the idea with the bunch of emoticons, phrases or made up statements, sequence of actions, and every single thing that you may launch yourself doing in the game that you find unique and originally your own. With great luck, you might strike the next trend in virtual world games.

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