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Games like Fantage

Rate this Article Fantage is a brilliant virtual world full of fun and games and there are some that let you do similar things, but in a different way. Virtual Worlds Land! - Games like Fantage

Fantage is an awesome virtual world game that’s all about expressing yourself. It’s targeted at a relatively younger audience and is tons of fun to play for a variety of different reasons. In this article we’ll discuss a bit about why this game is so fun and also talk about some games that are similar to it.

Fantage itself is an incredible game. The fact that it’s aimed at a younger audience means that it comes with a really cute art style that’s an absolute delight to look at. The character designs are solid and you can create an avatar of your preferences and go out into the beautiful world that’s full of cool places to see. The visuals of this game are definitely one of its strongest suits.

Although looks are its main highlight, Fantage is in no way short of great gameplay features. There are tons of incredible mini-games to play and some can even be played with another person which makes things a lot more enjoyable. Players can dress up their character in different kinds of clothes to see what looks best and similar to this there’s tons of other stuff to do.


You can already guess by its name that WoozWorld is a really unique game. Like Fantage, it has a distinct art style that’s rarely, if ever, been seen before and it alongside this it also provides tons of other great virtual world features such as mini-games, meeting new people and above all else you get your own house that can be customized however you please.


Avataria is a hugely popular game that people simply cannot get bored with. The game has a really solid player-base which makes it a lot more fun for newcomers since the veterans are almost always available to talk, help or simply play with. There are tons of things to do such as go shopping and play mini-games as well.

Second Life

The thing that lands Second Life a spot on this lift is the fact that, like Fantage, it allows players to be and do whatever they want. It’s full of opportunity and great gameplay and is one of those virtual worlds that you simply won’t be able to let go of once you fully get into them. As for features, Second Life will deliver pretty much everything you’d expect from a top tier game of this genre.


Onverse is a game that grabs onto a players’ attention right from the get-go. As soon as you get into it you’ll be taken through a really well-built character creation process which will be followed up by the actual gameplay itself. Onverse has tons of places to visit and while you do so you’ll also make a ton of new friends which will make the experience much more joyful.


IMVU is a full-fledged virtual world that can in all honesty be brought up in any conversation regarding this genre. Players create their very own character and live out a virtual life full of possibility as they meet new people, hang out at different places and perform various kinds of enjoyable activities.

Each game mentioned above is like Fantage one way or another but the point we want to convey is that they’re all great fun to play so you should try them out for yourself and see how it goes.

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