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Home Games Virtual City HD
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Simulation 3D City BuildingTime Management Windows App Store
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Immerse yourself in this excellent simulation game that’ll test how skilled you are at running the core of a city.

Travel to different location and use your expertise to help the economy reach a stable point.

Enjoy lots of very well designed levels that have multiple unique objectives that you’ll need to accomplish.

Virtual City HD is a really enjoyable and addictive simulation game in which players are given the task of running the backbone of a city which is its economy. They’ll need to manage their farms, markets and various other production facilities to make sure that everything works smoothly. It’s basically a time management release without the aspect of the actual time so it’s definitely a game that’s designed for the casual audience due to the fact that it’s pretty laidback.

The best part about Virtual City HD is that it does a great job of helping new players get settled into the game. The first three levels double up as tutorial levels and they all have really useful information to offer that they’ll explain to the players in an interactive manner. These levels can’t be skipped but they’re definitely worth going through because by the end of them you’ll have a pretty firm grasp of how the game works.

The gameplay of Virtual City HD is pretty easy to get the hang of as it’s very streamlined. The majority of it consists of harvesting resources, dropping said resources off at some sort of factory, taking the product from the factory and dropping it at the supermarket and then waiting for the supermarket to sell it so that you can rake in the profit then repeat the whole process over again. Of course it’s not always this simple as different levels feature different objectives but this is the basic concept.

As mentioned before, Virtual City HD is sort of a casual time management game. Every level basically consists of a whole bunch of objectives that you’ll need to accomplish but instead of worrying about the time, you’ll only have to worry about your resources which makes the whole experience fairly casual since you can play at your own pact and won’t have to race against a clock in order to complete a level. As of right now, the game has a total of fifty levels and every single one of these levels feels unique which is pretty impressive and makes sure that the game doesn’t feel repetitive even if you play it continuously for really long periods of time.

Onto the visuals, Virtual City HD is pretty good looking albeit not perfect. The visuals feel rather blurry at time but other than this the game has a pretty nice art style, a bright color palette and some fairly animations so these things all combine together to give players a very immersive experience.

The game’s free to play but if you want you can go through a bunch of in-game micro-transactions to get your hands on some really useful stuff that can aid you in reaching the level goals.

Virtual City HD is a great game that’s perfect for players who are seeking the time management experience but on a more casual level. Virtual City HD Summary

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Virtual City HD getting started Virtual City HD map Virtual City HD gameplay Immerse yourself in this excellent simulation game that’ll test how skilled you are at running the core of a city.

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