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IMVU est un jeu social en ligne où les membres utilisent des avatars 3D pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, discuter, créer et jouer à des jeux avec leurs amis.

Échappez vous dans IMVU - vivez une vie virtuelle incroyable dans un monde virtuel fabuleux. Vous pouvez même vous marier et adopter un bébé virtuel mignon !

Faites du shopping et habillez-vous avec style - la mode est florissante dans IMVU . Vous y serez capable de créer vos propres tenues, et même de les vendre à d'autres joueurs.

Créez votre propre fantasme, vivez la vie de vos rêves - il est temps de rejoindre IMVU ! IMVU Commentaire

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Posts plus Aanciens jeudi, février 22, 2018

IMVU's Virtual World of Possibilities

When anything's possible, people come up with the most amazing things! Lire la Suite
mardi, juillet 18, 2017

Find Other Virtual World Games Like IMVU on Find Games Like

Find Other Virtual World Games Like IMVU on Find Games Like Can't get enough of IMVU? Well, check out our selection of other virtual world games like IMVU! Lire la Suite
mercredi, février 3, 2016

Get Matched for Valentine's in IMVU!

Get Matched for Valentine's in IMVU! Looking for a date in a virtual world can be pretty tough, but with “Get Matched”, you’ll find your perfect match in no time! Lire la Suite
jeudi, janvier 21, 2016

IMVU Labs - FreeFall Demo

IMVU Labs - Freefall Experience the thrill of endless freefall while dodging obstacles and collecting stars along the way in IMVU! Lire la Suite
jeudi, septembre 17, 2015

Hit The Town with Friends in IMVU

Hit The Town with Friends in IMVU If you are looking for a night out then share one with your friends in the brilliant virtual world of IMVU where anything is possible. Lire la Suite
dimanche, août 30, 2015

Back to Nature in IMVU

Back to Nature in IMVU With the turning of the seasons approaching it is time to reflect on the beauty of summer, and get back to nature just like this young lady. Lire la Suite
lundi, août 10, 2015

Amazing Wedding Gown in IMVU

Amazing Wedding Gown in IMVU When you have that special day you want to look your best, and this stunning dress is one that will really stand out. Lire la Suite
jeudi, juillet 30, 2015

Live the Alternative life in IMVU

Live the Alternative life in IMVU In a virtual world you can do and be whatever you want, and that leaves you room to be a little more alternative in your approach to life. Lire la Suite
mercredi, juillet 22, 2015

Camping Fun in IMVU

Camping Fun in IMVU Summer is here and camping out with friends is a great way to relax and unwind from the working week. Lire la Suite
jeudi, juin 25, 2015

Party Time in IMVU

Party Time in IMVU Now the hot weather is here its time to hit those outside parties and all night hotspots just like this group of friends did. Lire la Suite
Posts plus Aanciens

Avis récents des utilisateurs

nov. 11, 2016 Cons of IMVU Sinafay is messing this site and she don't work for IMVU and is a cyber bully has the help center working for her forcing customer s away on there.

Will get a higher review once Sinafay and ga...
Revue Complète
oct. 15, 2015 preciosa Preciosa Revue Complète avr. 7, 2015 Express Yourself in the Enticing World of IMVU Fascinate yourself and be captivated by the endless possibilities offered by a virtual hangout place called IMVU. The virtual world is closely an online 3D social game, focusing its key strengths in s... Revue Complète Plus d'avis