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segunda-feira, dezembro 15, 2014

5 Games for Children

With so many virtual worlds around, we thought we would bring you 5 of the best children's games that are both fun and educational in some way. Club Penguin Herotopia Petra's Planet Animal Jam Moshi Monsters Due to the popularity of the Virtual Worlds, there are many different kinds of games nowadays. These different kinds of games all have an audience of their own where some games are designed purely for those who want a more social experience, some are designed for those who’d like a bit more action in their gameplay and similarly there are many different kinds of virtual worlds that are there for children to enjoy. In this blog we’ll be covering a few the games that are aimed at a younger audience and what makes these games so great.

Club Penguin
Club Penguin is a fantastic game since it has pretty much everything you’d like from a full-fledged virtual world. You can create your very own character, go out and meet new people, customize your very own home and play some really cool mini-games while you’re at it. It’s also worth pointing out that club penguin looks great as well so it’s overall a game that really does a great job of pleasing its audience.

If there’s anything that children love, its superheroes. Herotopia embraces the concept of superheroes and allows players to live in a beautifully designed world as a superhero designed by their very selves. The imaginative concept is executed quite nicely within the game as Herotopia is an amazing experience that has a lot of activities to do and will surely keep the audience busy for hours upon hours with its gripping gameplay and overall really nicely implemented setting.

Petra’s Planet
If there was ever a game that had so many activities that you practically cannot finish them all, it would be Petra’s Planet. In Petra’s Planet you get to own a pet of your very own and do a lot of cool things in the world. You have an apartment of your own to decorate according to your liking, the game world is huge with lots to see and do, there are really cool and fun mini-games that you’ll encounter along the way and you’ll make a lot of friends as you progress through the game.

Animal Jam
Animal Jam is a game that allows you to create an animal avatar of your own with the great customization screen and then take this avatar into an immense world crawling with fun things to do and friends to make. You’ll encounter tons of different fun mini-games along the way, you’ll be able to shop for cool clothes for your avatar to put on and best of all you’ll make a lot of friends to play with.

Moshi Monsters
Moshi Monsters is an imaginative game that takes a step further by allowing you to create some really cute and unique looking little monsters known as Moshlings and then taking these moshlings on a fun adventure comprising of a lot of cool activities like visiting friends, decorating your home and exploring the beautiful world.

All these games cater to a younger audience and the kids who play these games really enjoy them. These games are definitely worth a shot, let us know what your experience has been with any of these games.