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Create your very own Stardoll and live the glamorous life of your dreams!
Stardoll features the latest fashion, prettiest makeup and the ability to design your own clothes, hair and jewelry.
Show off to all your friends and become the days best dressed model. Stardoll Review
Fashion is important, and enjoying yourself is also important and in these 5 games you can find both fun and the best clothes all in one place. Read MoreFri, Nov 14, 2014
Stardoll has to be one of the most enjoyable fashion virtual worlds out there. In this article we’ll be covering what makes Stardoll the game it is and we’ll also tell you about games that resemble it.Read MoreMon, Oct 27, 2014
Stardoll brings you to a wonderful world, full of great clothes, friends and fun. Here we have a beautiful look outside a lovely house. Read MoreThu, Oct 16, 2014
There is no better way to spend time with your friends than hitting the mall's and shopping for new clothes, and in Stardoll you can do just that!Read MoreSat, Sep 27, 2014
Stardoll is a fantastic virtual world that you play on Facebook, with the latest fashions, best hairstyles and makeup all waiting for you to enjoy.Read MoreThu, Jul 11, 2013