There’s an on-going trend where players try their best to make their Second Life (SL) avatars look exactly or at least similar to their real life looks. Check out this weird yet incredible phenomenon! You would have thought that in a game where everything (well, almost everything) is possible, people would have wanted to create an idealized version of themselves. Instead, there’s an on-going trend where players tried their darnest to make their Second Life (SL) avatars look exactly or at least similar to their real life looks.
The reason behind this particular trends ranges from “because I can” or “because… reasons!” to wanting other people that you know in real life to recognize your avatar as you while you’re in-game. Anyhow, no matter the reasons, players in Second Life have come up with some amazing avatars and have shared them for the world to see. So, here are some of the best Second Life avatars and Real Life lookalikes that I’ve found on the internet.
Some of these are incredibly similar to the point where it is kind of creepy yet impressive. So, hopefully these images might just jog that creative brain of yours to start a project of your own to create an avatar image that looks like you in real life. Also, if you already have your own Second Life-Real Life comparison picture, do feel free to share it in the comments and let us know.